Experience + Focus = Excellence.
We bring value to the equation.

NIAC's Vision
is to collaborate with the world’s experts in all aspects of insuring Canadian
nuclear risk through innovation today and tomorrow.

Our mission is to create innovative insurance solutions for stakeholders by combining the strength of leading Canadian Insurers to provide true risk transfer and nuclear risk management for our clients.
Experience + Focus = Excellence.
- Expertise. Over 65 years experience in understanding nuclear insurance on a global scale and how it translates to Canadian business.
- Integrity. NIAC strives to provide equitable treatment to clients and members, carefully balancing the needs of both.
- Stability. We are financially strong because members of NIAC are top rated insurers.
- Innovation. NIAC provides true risk transfer solutions for nuclear liability and property insurance.

What We Do
We specialize in high quality insurance risk management, underwriting and inspections for Canadian nuclear exposures. We provide true risk transfer, secure insurance capacity and collaborate with the world’s nuclear experts to create innovative domestic solutions for our clients and members.

Whom We Serve
The benefit of our experience works for all stakeholders: insured clients, members, multi-level government agencies and all Canadians. Since 1958 NIAC has had a history of partnering with Insurers around the globe to create reliable risk management for the nuclear industry.

What We Stand For
NIAC stands for the value of excellence. We offer Canadian risk solutions, thought leadership and expertise that provides security and confidence to our customers and members. NIAC is passionate in leading the domestic nuclear industry in the areas of nuclear insurance law, good governance and claims administration and we collaborate with the world’s leading experts to create a true Centre of Excellence.

Why NIAC Exists
Governments and industry are aware of the need for financially strong insurance for the sustainability of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. NIAC is a voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated association of insurers forming liability and property damage pools - insuring nuclear installations, suppliers and transportation of nuclear substances in Canada.

Who Runs NIAC
A committee of member companies provides oversight for NIAC. Pool members are property/casualty insurers, reinsurers and Lloyd's Underwriters licensed in Canada and approved by committee. The association employs in-house staff and specialists to manage the underwriting and administration of the pool operations.