Education (NIAC U)
NIAC is about celebrating the value of our leadership in domestic nuclear liability policy and claims management, collaborating with the world’s experts to focus on education, training, and creating a true Centre of Excellence in Canada.

Global Resources/Partners
We specialize in high quality insurance risk management, underwriting and inspections for Canadian nuclear exposures. We provide true risk transfer, secure insurance capacity and collaborate with the world's nuclear experts to create innovative domestic solutions for our clients and members.

Government Stakeholders
The government department responsible for nuclear issues in Canada is the Energy Resources Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). NRCan is responsible for administering the Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act (NLCA).
NRCan designates the nuclear installations that are subject to the Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act (NLCA) by regulation in accordance with the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
Reading Room Reference Links
• Understanding the GL Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion
• Liability Coverage Policy Application
• Liability Coverage Renewal Application